Talent Management Hub
The hub on Talent Management on Academia and the Public Sector was built bottom-up with a key consortium from the Euraxess network. The goal was to take advantage of the whole pool of expertise of the EURAXESS network, its strengths and diversity, existing patterns of collaboration and networking in all areas of the hub. All efforts to serve researchers at our institutions better.
The team worked with innovative methods on the contents of Talent Management along the three axes of recruitment and careers including novel skills; recruitment and careers in the public sector, gender activities and gender equality plans and learning more on young researchers’ research careers and social media, career stories.
If you are a researcher in Academia or the Public sector, if you are a Euraxess member advising and supporting researchers in their career development in Academia and the Public Sector, this hub on Talent Management might be of interest to you.
The Hub is specifically targeting on learning and mastering innovative skills, an overview and recommendations on gender research, gender policies and specific funding options for women in science, learn about recruitment and careers in the public sector and read career stories which might surprise you in method and content
Visit the thematic areas of the Hub:
Partners in the Hub were the following:
ETH Zürich, EU GrantsAccess, International Research Programmes, Switzerland
CERTH, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Research Policies & Mobility of Researchers office, Greece
RCN, The Research Council of Norway, Department for University and University College Policy, Norway
AMEUP, Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes, EURAXESS and Horizontal Areas of EU Framework Programmes, Croatia
BZN, Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd, for Applied Research, Knowledge Management Centre, Hungary
University of Copenhagen, International Staff Mobility, Denmark
OeAD-GmbH, Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalization, Austria
RANNIS, The Icelandic Centre for Research, Research and Innovation Division, Iceland
UGOT, University of Gothenburg, Welcome Services, Sweden
University of Liège, Research Office, Belgium
British Council, Public Engagement and STEM Education - Education and Society, United Kingdom, and Israel
Sofia University, Euraxess Bulgaria, Bulgaria
Find out more about EURAXESS Hubs project